In this anime adventure series, a bunch of of more-than-ordinary playing cards dropped from the sky landing all over Earth. A group of friends who pick up the cards team up to become the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. They assist in the battle between good and evil in a parallel universe.
Bakugan Battle Brawlers (2007-2009)
Dan Kuso's life changed one day when random cards fell out of the sky with special powers. Dan and his friend Shun created a game called Bakugan with these cards. Together with his friends Runo, Marucho, Shun, Julie, and Alice form the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. An evil Bakugan named Naga was tempted to take the power of the Infinity and Silent Cores, which formed the Perfect Core that balanced Vestroia the home of the Bakugan, but absorbed too much negative energy and thus was trapped within the Silent Core and destabilised it.
Bakugan New Vestroia (2009-2011)
Three of the six Battle Brawlers (Dan, Marucho, and Shun) heads to New Vestroia and discover that it had been colonized by an alien race called Vestals who are unaware that the Bakugan are intelligent beings. Three Vestals: Mira, Ace, and Baron knew the truth already so they teamed up with the Brawlers to form the Bakugan Brawlers Resistance.
Bakugan Gundalian Invaders (2010-2012)
After defeating Zenohold, the Brawlers returned to Earth and with the new help of a newcomer named Ren, Bakugan Interspace was set up. However, Ren is not all that he seems to be and reveals that he is a Gundalian in need of help saying his planet his under attack by Neathia. Shun is not convinced and discovers that Ren is lying once Princess Fabia shows up and proved it. Soon Ren begins to show signs of distrust Barodius, the Gundalia's Tyrannical Emperor, and eventually defects to rejoin the Battle Brawlers to help Fabia and end of the war.
Bakugan Mechtanium Surge (2011-2012)
The Brawlers reign number one in Bakugan Interspace was ended by two new powerful teams: Team Anubias and Team Sellon. To make matters worse, Dan and Drago continuously suffer from visions sent to them by Mag Mel and Razenoid. They face Mag Mel and discover Interspace being destroyed so they go back to Earth to save it but are trapped and must figure out a way to save the gate, the key, the battlers, and Interspace. A few months later, Bakugan City is shown to have a peaceful start as humans
have now communed with New Vestroia. Not all is
well when four Mechtogan led by Coredegon, who
have broken free, start terrorizing the place. Not
only that, but a new enemy called Wiseman had
appeared with ancient Bakugan called the Nonets.
Bakugan Battle Brawlers (2007-2009)
Dan Kuso's life changed one day when random cards fell out of the sky with special powers. Dan and his friend Shun created a game called Bakugan with these cards. Together with his friends Runo, Marucho, Shun, Julie, and Alice form the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. An evil Bakugan named Naga was tempted to take the power of the Infinity and Silent Cores, which formed the Perfect Core that balanced Vestroia the home of the Bakugan, but absorbed too much negative energy and thus was trapped within the Silent Core and destabilised it.
Bakugan New Vestroia (2009-2011)
Three of the six Battle Brawlers (Dan, Marucho, and Shun) heads to New Vestroia and discover that it had been colonized by an alien race called Vestals who are unaware that the Bakugan are intelligent beings. Three Vestals: Mira, Ace, and Baron knew the truth already so they teamed up with the Brawlers to form the Bakugan Brawlers Resistance.
Bakugan Gundalian Invaders (2010-2012)
After defeating Zenohold, the Brawlers returned to Earth and with the new help of a newcomer named Ren, Bakugan Interspace was set up. However, Ren is not all that he seems to be and reveals that he is a Gundalian in need of help saying his planet his under attack by Neathia. Shun is not convinced and discovers that Ren is lying once Princess Fabia shows up and proved it. Soon Ren begins to show signs of distrust Barodius, the Gundalia's Tyrannical Emperor, and eventually defects to rejoin the Battle Brawlers to help Fabia and end of the war.
Bakugan Mechtanium Surge (2011-2012)
The Brawlers reign number one in Bakugan Interspace was ended by two new powerful teams: Team Anubias and Team Sellon. To make matters worse, Dan and Drago continuously suffer from visions sent to them by Mag Mel and Razenoid. They face Mag Mel and discover Interspace being destroyed so they go back to Earth to save it but are trapped and must figure out a way to save the gate, the key, the battlers, and Interspace. A few months later, Bakugan City is shown to have a peaceful start as humans
have now communed with New Vestroia. Not all is
well when four Mechtogan led by Coredegon, who
have broken free, start terrorizing the place. Not
only that, but a new enemy called Wiseman had
appeared with ancient Bakugan called the Nonets.
Bakugan Reboot To Launch Within The Next Two Years
Back in 2015, Toronto-based toy company Spin Master announced that they were developing a reboot of Bakugan. Carried by an anime series produced by TMS Entertainment and Nelvana, the boys action franchise meant big business between 2007 and 2012. Bakugan centred around a game played with plastic marbles that would transform when rolled over a metal card. Since that revival tease two years ago, Spin Master’s been silent about their plans for the franchise, but have just recently shared a tiny morsel of information.
During the company’s third quarter 2017 financial call, which was hosted on November 8th, Spin Master Global President and Chief Operating Officer Ben Gadbois stated, “We are also working on several exciting TV shows in our entertainment group for 2018 and 2019, including Bakugan, which we are working hard on with our partners of both the toy line and TV show.” That vague release window was the only detail shared about the Bakugan relaunch.
Later in the call, the company’s co-CEO and co-founder Ronnen Harary mentioned the brand when the discussion about purchasing external properties came up. Spin Master is focused on building internally created brands, like Bakugan, but would leap at the chance to buy a legacy I.P. with a proven track record at a reasonable price. Harary specifically mentioned Viacom’s 2009 purchase of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise as something they would’ve been interested in, had the company been at its current size back that brand was up for sale.
Key entertainment focused internal brands for Spin Master’s future include the ongoing Paw Patrol (a theatrical feature was teased as being in early development during the call) and Rusty Rivets lines, as well as the upcoming Abby Hatcher and Bakugan relaunch. The company’s even looking into creating content for their Hatchimals toy.
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