Dragon Ball is a Japanese media franchise created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. The series follows the adventures of the protagonist, Goku, from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in sears of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls. The Dragon Balls can summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered together. Along the journey, Goku makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains who also seek the Dragon Balls.
Dragon Ball (1986-2003)
To begin the series, Dragon Ball is where it all started. Goku meets up with Bulma and together they set out to find the Dragon Balls. After becoming a student to his martial arts master, Master Roshi, he and his close friend Krillin enter a tournament to fight against the most powerful fighters in the world. Goku then sets out to fight the Red Ribbon Army single-handedly. While Goku is gone, Krillin was later murdered after the tournament and Goku comes back and exacts his revenge on the killer Piccolo Daimao. However of course three years later, Goku now as an adult must fight the killers offspring Piccolo.
Dragon Ball Z (1989-2003)
Later on in the series, this show follows Goku along with the companions that he meets defending the Earth against an assortment of villains ranging from intergalactic space fighters and conquerers, unnaturally powerful androids, and nearly indestructible creatures. This show picks up from the end of Dragon Ball continuing Goku's adult life maturing his two sons, Gohan and Goten, as well as the evolution of his rivals Piccolo and Vegeta becoming into allies.
Dragon Ball Z Kai/ Kai: The Final Chapters (2009-)
Toei Animation announced that the Dragon Ball Z show would broadcast a revised version as part of the 20th-anniversary ending with the Cell arc. Kai means updated or altered and reflects the improvements and corrections of the original work. The creator, Torishima, explains the origins of Kai. Bandai was having a hard time increasing their sales and asked if a new Dragon Ball anime show can be made. Torishima refused and realized that the anime-exclusive scenes that were added to increase the distance between the original anime and the manga, comics created in the Japanese language, hurt the pacing of the series so it was cut to follow the manga. The reception to Kai was positive and Bandai had a hit card game which it all worked out. In April 2014, the Kai adaption of the Majin Buu arc ran under the title Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters.
Dragon Ball GT (1996-2005)
Five to ten years after the end of the Dragon Ball Z anime, Goku is turned back into a child by the Black Star Dragon Balls and is forced to travel across the universe to retrieve them back along with his granddaughter Pan and Vegeta's son Trunks. While looking for the Black Star Dragon Balls on their adventure they encounter an evil artificial Tuffle named Baby who plans to destroy the Saiyan race. Baby has the ability to invade other people's bodies and turn them into Tuffles as well as using a body combined with its own power and become a fighter. A year later after Goku defeats him, Dr. Myuu (Baby's creator) and Dr. Gero (creator of the Red Ribbon Army androids from Dragon Ball Z/Kai arc) team up and create a replica Android 17 and has it fuse with the original to create Super Android 17 however, Goku and Android 18 defeated him. Due to the overuse of the Dragon Balls, seven Shadow Dragons appeared and all but the most powerful Syn Shenron are defeated. Syn Shenron absorbs the Dragon Balls to gain more power and becomes Omega Shenron. Before Goku sacrifices himself to destroy the evil Dragon, Vegeta comes and both become Super Saiyan 4 and fuse into Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. However, they became to confident and used up their energy which caused the fusion to end. Goku found a way and gather energy from everyone and used the Spirt Bomb to defeat the dragon. Suddenly Goku then disappears and the series ends.... or so we thought.
Dragon Ball Super (2015-)
This show follows the adventures of Goku and his friends after defeating Majin Buu and bringing peace to Earth once again. However, Goku encounters beings far and more powerful and attains the power of a god. He defends the Earth against the powerful destructive deities and travels other universes to face more powerful opponents and nearly unstoppable foes while learning his newly discovered powers under the gods of the universe.
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